Imagine being a goat herder in the first century A.D. and, with tremulous curiosity, entering Athens for the first time. It must have been a terrifying sight. The 6-story columns at the Temple of Olympian Zeus alone would send me back to the safety of my backcountry hut. Athenians at the time were falling over themselves to pay respects to Zeus, Athena, Poseidon and the other gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus. Zeus could issue thunderclaps and set the sky ablaze with streaks of lightning. Athena was a font of wisdom and good counsel. Hades kept a three-headed dog. They could all kick your ass.
So imagine the audacity it took for St. Paul to set foot in Athens in 51 A.D., stand on Aeropagus Rock, below, and issue his "Men of Athens" speech, recounted in the Bible's Book of Acts. "I see that you are very religious," he began, going on to suggest their worship was misplaced. My god is neither brutal nor jealous; give him a try. I'm kind of surprised he made it out alive. Pilgrims from around the world continue to climb atop the slippery rock to sing hymns and pray.
From here I hunted down the legendary lamb chops at Το Στέκι Του Ηλία (Επταχάλκου 5). Hot off the coals, they made for the best meal of my trip thus far. Do not miss this place.
And no, you may not.
There is a lot of idle chatter on the intertubes about how Athens is a shithole, Europe's ugliest capital, and on and on. Please don't fall for this nonsense. It is no tarted-up toy town, but it has a wonky dynamism that is fast making it one of my very favorite places on the continent. It is, as the writer Naguib Mahfouz famously said of Cairo, "like meeting your beloved in her old age." Or to put it another way, like finding an onion ring in a bag of fries.
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